Thursday, October 9, 2008

An oldie, but a goody!

With the Fall season upon us, we are lucky enough to have nature providing us with beautiful art supplies!

This week, we took advantage of the fall leaves and made some window decorations!

We went on a "Leaf hunt" first, and came home with a nice collection.

What you need:
~Crayon shavings (I used a cheese grater)
~Wax paper folded in half

Open up the folded wax paper, then arrange leaves on one side. Next, you sprinkle crayon bits over and around the leaves. Fold the wax paper over the leaves and crayons. Then, place on top of one rag, and place the other rag on top of the wax paper. Then iron on high setting.

After the crayons are all melted, let cool, then cut into desired shapes.

Hang in window to catch the light!


Lacing Cards

As we do different activities here at Rainbows and Gumboots, I'll be adding photos and descriptions for family and friends to see.

Here is what you need:
~A roll of clear "contact paper" or "mack tack".
~Some sort of paper to cut into shapes. We used old paintings that I didn't want to throw out, but that were taking up space and looking sort of clutter-y. Another idea is to use colouring pages.
~A hole punch. A single hole punch is best, but I couldn't find mine ANYWHERE today, so I had to use the three hole punch. Wow... I wish I had the one hole punch!
~Enthusiastic child(ren)

Cut shapes from the paper. Cut around the outlines of your simple colouring pages, or maybe do a theme shape or two. This is my fancy leaf cut out of a piece of paper which we finger painted on a couple of weeks ago.

Cut some of your clear plastic "paper stuff" I've provided this photo so you can see what it actually looks like, if you have no clue what I'm talking about. This bit came off of a roll that cost under $10, and I think it's over 3 yards long.

This is me putting the film over my leaf. If you have a laminater, you can obviously use that instead. This way is cheaper, but laminating is more "permanent".

After you've coated it, trim off the excess, and then punch holes into it. Here you see our "Turkey" coated, but with no holes, and our "Hand" with holes and yarn laced through.

The ends of the yarn will become frayed easily, and will be hard to thread through the holes. When I was a kid, I'm pretty sure my lacing cards came with a large plastic needle. I just used some of the contact paper and wrapped a bit around the end of the yarn. It worked great.

I love this project. They were fun to make, and they're fun to lace. Lacing helps to develop fine motor co-ordination, and it's a quiet activity that requires a child to sit and think while they manipulate both the card and the yarn.

A few tips:
~Punch the holes through both the paper and the plastic. If you punch it just through the plastic, it'll tear easily. This won't be an issue if you're actually laminating the project.
~Don't leave the yarn too long. I don't know if I'm alone on this, or what, but I found it really hard to figure out how long to make the yarn for each card. If it's too long, it just gets tangled all over the place, and if it's too short, then you can't finish the card. If someone can figure out a fail-proof way of figuring out how long to cut the yarn, be sure to let me know!
~Make sure you tie the yarn through the first hole. Your kid will get very frustrated with the task if the yarn keeps on coming out!

Have fun!

Family Handbook

Rainbows and Gumboots

Child Care

Registered License not Required

Family Handbook

Publish Date: September 2008


My History

My name is Celena and I am the care provider of Rainbows and Gumboots License Not Required Family Child Care. I offer care for toddlers and pre-schoolers. As a Registered LNR member of the Berry Patch CCRR, I have completed a criminal record check and will be continuously updating my child care training. Through the Berry Patch CCRR, I will have access to various resources, including various learning supplies and activity kits.

I have over 15 years of child care experience including basic babysitting, coaching tee-ball, and raising my own children. I also have some basic psychology training including some child psych. I have always loved working with children. I am a stay at home mom and look forward to having more children around.

My husband, Matthew Olson will be around part-time as I do child care. Matthew also has completed a criminal record check, and has been cleared to be around children. He will not, however, be participating in the child care duties except for in a possible emergency situation where I am unable to take every child with me. (I.e., a trip in an ambulance with a child)

Rainbows and Gumboots will:

  • Provide quality care for each child.

  • Model and encourage appropriate guidance and caring for each child.

  • Provide a fun, positive environment where each child can feel included and important.

  • Provide both play and learning opportunities daily. Children learn through play.

How we will fill our days

At Rainbows and Gumboots, we will be filling our days with various activities, including, but not limited to: walks in the neighbourhood, bus trips, time spent at the Conrad School's Strong Start, trips to the Growing Space, free play, stories, baking, trips to the playground, developmental activities, etc. “Quiet time” (nap or reading) will take place from 1pm-3pm.

An example of a week's schedule can be requested. (formatting on this blog doesn't allow for the schedule to appear properly)

Days and Hours of Operation

At Rainbows and Gumboots, I am willing to work around some shift work schedules. I understand that not everyone works a 9-5 work day. A full time spot at Rainbows and Gumboots includes care for up to 45 hours a week, or 9 hours a day. Any care beyond these hours will result in additional fees.

Rainbows and Gumboots will be closed on the days listed below:

New Year's Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

And will have a 1pm early closing on Christmas Eve.

I will be available to care on all other statutory holidays but will require extra pay for those days, and care for those days will have to be arranged in advance. (The other stat holidays are: Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, BC Day, Labour Day, and Remembrance Day) If your regular care falls on the weekend, I will also charge more for Easter Sunday, and Thanksgiving Sunday.

Rainbows and Gumboots will also be closed for a two-three week period during the summer. I will do my best to work my vacation around days that work for all families involved. Clients will not be charged for care during this time.


When you arrive, it is important to sign your child in and take the opportunity to talk to me about your child's needs. I encourage parents to keep me informed of any changes in your child's life. New interests, likes and dislikes and any other information to help me to get to know your child better and will help me to meet his/her needs. Daily sharing of information is very important. When you leave, please take the time to settle your child in and say goodbye.


Parents are required to arrive with sufficient time to assist their child in departure and to leave Rainbows and Gumboots by the pre-arranged time as established previously in your signed contract. At pick up time, please speak to me before you sign your child out and find out about your child's special activities.

Please inform me if you have made arrangements for someone else to pick up your child. If an emergency arises during the day, alternate arrangements can be made over the phone. If the person picking up your child is not known to me, I will need information from you about the person (their name, address, telephone number, and a physical description). The person will be asked to show photo identification and will be expected to sign out your child.

A child will not be placed into the care of a parent who is intoxicated. In this case, the alternate care person will be contacted. Those authorized to pick up your child need to be listed in your child's file at Rainbows and Gumboots. Please notify the centre if other than the usual person will pick up your child. Your child will not be placed into the custody of anyone not properly authorized to have custody.

Late Pick Up

If you have not picked up your child or called me by the end of the day, I will contact alternative person/s from the authorized pick up list to pick up your child. If that person is unavailable, and you have not contacted me by pick up time, I will notify Emergency Services of the Ministry for Children and Families.

Adjustment Period

Rainbows and Gumboots has an adjustment period for new children and parents of two weeks. This will provide parents and Rainbows and Gumboots Child Care with assurance that we will meet the care needs of your child and family.

If within this two-week period, Rainbows and Gumboots does not fulfill the your expectations, you are able to remove your child without one month's written notice. You will only be responsible for the cost of your child's first month of attendance.

Notification of Absence

Parents are responsible for notifying myself of any absences either before or at the time of the absence. If a child does not arrive for care, I will phone the child's home.


The withdrawal of a child from my care, requires a month's written notice or a month's fee.


Fees are required to be paid on the first of each month for that month. If part of your child's care is subsidized, then your portion is due on the first of the month. Please make sure that the subsidy information is kept up to date so money will be received on time. (The Berry Patch will assist you with this if you need it.) I will only accept payments for a month or more of care at a time. Any days missed due to illness or holiday (excluding extended holidays that have been previously arranged) still require payment. A month with 28 days costs the same as a month with 31 days. Any child care beyond our previously arranged schedule is subject to a $10/hour fee on top of the monthly fee.

Late payment may be subject to extra fees. NSF cheques will be charged a $30 fee. Payment can be made by cash or cheque.

In the case of several late payments or NSF, care may be terminated.

Television and Videos

At Rainbows and Gumboots, your child's day will be filled with activities and quality care. The use of videos as a learning tool may be implemented from time to time (ie, a video from the SPCA regarding how to treat dogs may be shown one week while we are studying pets). Also, depending on the pre-arranged pick up time we have established, I may turn on the TV to a child friendly program. All TV viewing will be discussed with the parents, and any parental objections or suggestions will be taken into consideration.

Clothing and Possessions

Please dress your child in clothes you don't mind getting dirty. Also please write your child's name on all of their belongings. Here is a list of clothing and supplies I request that you provide.

  • Rain boots and rain jacket to be left at Rainbows and Gumboots. (due to the weather here in Prince Rain, oops, I mean Prince Rupert, I would like to have rain gear on hand at all times.)

  • Two sets of spare clothing, including socks.

  • One extra sweater or sweat shirt besides what the child is wearing on any given day.

  • If your child is in diapers, I request a large box of diapers in your child's size. I will give plenty of notice for when the diapers need to be replaced.

  • Inside shoes, or slippers

  • Comfort toy or blanket. This can be left here, or brought on a daily basis.

  • Tooth brush (to be replaced every 3 months, or after an illness) and toothpaste (to be replaced as needed)

  • Some sort of paint smock. Large button up shirts work well for this, as you don't have to pull them over the head


Each child will be encouraged and supported to develop self-confidence, self-discipline and sensitivity in their interactions with others. My goal is to provide a safe and healthy learning environment in which each child can feel secure, and to learn friendship and social skills. Please ask me for more details if required.



Health and Safety

My Goal is to promote good health, safety and nutrition by providing the children with a clean, well-maintained, safe environment.

It is required to keep (or take) a child home when the child

  1. Is not well enough to take part in the daily activities, including outdoor play.

  2. Is suffering from one or more of the following symptoms

  • Pain-any complaints of unexplained or undiagnosed pain.

  • An acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, coughing and/or sore throat

  • Difficulty in breathing-wheezing or a persistent cough

  • Fever (100 degrees F/ 38.3 degrees C or more)

  • Sore throat or trouble swallowing

  • Infected skin or eyes or an undiagnosed rash

  • Unexplained diarrhea or lose stool, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal cramps

  • Children with known or suspected communicable diseases (i.e. Chicken pox, etc.)

Minor colds where the child is still well enough to participate are not cause for a child to stay home.

In the case of myself or my children having an illness such as those listed above, I will phone the parents as soon as possible to allow for them to make other child care arrangements.

Please notify Rainbows and Gumboots Child Care if your child has a communicable disease so that other families can be notified.

If your child becomes ill during the day, I will attempt to contact you. If you are unavailable, I will try to reach your emergency contacts. I will provide a quiet resting area until you, or one of your emergency contacts can pick up your child. If the situation becomes urgent, I will follow the outlined emergency procedures.


If your child is injured or becomes ill while in my care, I will quickly assess the situation to decide what action/attention is required. Outlined below are procedures that may be followed.

If First Aid treatment is required, I will

  • Provide First Aid treatment and acknowledge the child's feelings.

  • Provide close supervision to ensure that the child does not require further first aid or medical attention

  • Inform the family when they come to pick up the child.

If Emergency medical attention is required, I will administer First Aid until the ambulance attendants arrive. I will also

  • Call and request an ambulance

  • Contact family and/or emergency contact(s) as above to meet me at the emergency facility and provide access to transportation for the family/contact if required

  • Access medical information as above and accompany the child to the emergency facility

  • Provide information to the doctor and family

Administering Medication

I will not administer medication to your child. If your child is required to have medication, you are more than welcome to come by during work breaks to administer the medication to your child.

Nutrition and Food at Rainbows and Gumboots

Eating nutritious food is and important part of each child's day. Food provided at Rainbows and Gumboots will be selected in accordance with the Canada Food Guide Requirements.

I will:

  • Encourage the children to eat a variety of foods

  • Be sensitive to individual food preferences, cultural preferences and any restrictions/allergies

  • Provide sufficient time to eat

  • Not force a child to eat.

  • Encourage children to drink water by having it available at all times for children to help themselves

  • Provide a morning and afternoon snack each day, except on days that we attend “Strong Start” where they will provide one snack (in the case of children having allergies, I may pack a small snack as a substitute in case the food provided isn't suitable)

Families will:

  • Always provide nutritious lunches including at least 3 of the four food groups.

  • Inform me of any food restrictions/allergies or changes to their child's food intake.

  • Not include any “junk” food, such as: potato chips, chocolate bars, pop, sugar laden snacks or drinks, etc. Any food that is not suitable will be returned with the child at the end of the day, and a fee may be charged for food I substitute.

In the event that the parent is not able to supply a lunch for their child, I will provide lunch, and I will charge a $5 fee that will be due at pick up time that day.


All children receiving care at Rainbows and Gumboots are required to have up-to-date immunizations. Please provide updated records.

I will not take children into care who are not immunized, unless you have a doctor's note explaining why immunization is not suitable for your child (for instance, an allergy.) All families will be notified if there is a non-immunized child in our Centre.

Developmental Changes

The pace of developmental changes varies for individual children. In order to respect the beliefs and values of each family, I will approach such questions about developmental changes discreetly and simply. I will assess the children's “need to know” and will provide information that is appropriate to the developmental stage of the child. Proper anatomical names will be used.

Fire Drill/Evacuation Process

We will conduct regular fire and earthquake drills. Parents can help support these safety practices by talking and encouraging safety practices at home. Parents are welcome to participate in the safety drills.


My home is a smoke free home, and I will not allow smoking in my home or around my children, or around the children in my care.


From time to time, I may have visitors and their children over to my home during child care hours or for special events. At no time will the children be left in the care of another person other than myself. Visitors are asked to sign in and out so parents are aware if a visitor was over.

Unauthorized Persons

If an unauthorized person arrives to pick up your child, the child will remain under my care. I will explain the policy that written authorization from the enrolling parent/guardian is required to release a child. If difficulties arise, the RCMP will be called for assistance. A list of specific people you don't want to have access to your child can be submitted if you deem necessary.

Custody and Access

If parents live separately, I expect that the information provided by the enrolling parent is accurate. If a family has a custody agreement or court order, a copy must be provided and placed in the child's file.

Parents are responsible for keeping me up-to-date with current phone numbers, emergency contacts, etc.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome to Rainbows and Gumboots!

I will be using this blog to keep parents updated on happenings at the Rainbows and Gumboots Child Care Centre.